Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Revolution Begin With Me!

What is wrong with me tonight? The selfish ambition of holding onto my rights. Not letting go of my pride.

What is stirring deep inside? The Holy Spirit I live by. To be released is my cry.

And in all this You are glorious. And in all I know You are above, I am below. Humbly before You I’m letting go…

What is the world’s expectation of me? To be quiet and weak. To be passive in the things I seek.

What is it to which You lead? To know You are all I need. To give up my everything.

And today You call me to obey. And I lay my life down to receive the crown. Tip the scales of balance a radical show is in store.

O the time You ordain so perfectly! Leaves me in awestruck worshipping. The flame steadily burning.

O the things of which You speak! To know what You are to bring. That you are the solid link.

And the bitter enemy of my soul no longer has a hold. The fight is over, the Son has won. I will not look back or ever give in, I press on in this race which I wish to win.

He clothes me as His own in order that His glory be shown. A surrendered life so foreign to this world. A song of righteousness renowned.

Start with me here and now, all I am to be poured out. No claim to this earth for there’s a rebirth. O Lord, a revolution begin with me!

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