Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Grace for the Moment

The Lord has given me grace for each moment, for each day...I am to receive it as such. It is not about the amount of things I have to do or the amount I can get done, but about the question, "is God in this moment, am I choosing what He has?" Am I living in accordance with what God has for me to do at the present time?

It's a reminder that excellence doesn't come in the form of a test grade or teacher's approval. Even further still, it's a reminder that there's always going to be more I can do. I've been holding onto what I know I am capable of, but God is choosing to stretch me past it. I find myself humbled yet refreshed tonight that I truly am capable of so little...but through Him so much can be done.

And I must ask myself in those times when I feel conflict or stresses, "is this what God has for me in this moment? Or am I forcing something that doesn't need to be?" I am to live by the moment that God has given, not looking ahead, but seeing His glory in the present.

I won't get everything done, at least not to the level I would personally like it to be. But that's not what matters in the big picture of things. What really matters is whether or not I am seeking out God in every moment and worshipping Him accordingly. When looking back on each day, this week, this quarter, this life, it is my prayer that I can say that I allowed God to be in every moment. Life is much fuller that way.

The Lord has given me grace for each moment...and that is more than enough.

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