Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Beauty from Ashes

It’s for your glory that the pain may linger
To show the healing power of only Your hand
When hearts are broken and fallen before You
It’s only in Your strength again they will stand
And the beauty that will come from the ashes on the ground
Transcends all doubt and pain
Because out of the dirt flowers come pushing forth
And bring them to worship You once more

May these tears that have been shed be wiped away
And joy be reborn in circumstance
It is You alone who sustains all things
And will sustain them still
The refining is painful and smarts ever so
Let them in their sufferings be closer to Your heart
And know that You are the Creator God, personal and intimate
And your plans have been there from the start
Be near to them still, in this hour of pain
That the night may end and morning bring new light

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