Tuesday, May 16, 2006

To Do Lists, Spilled Ink, and Wind-up Bunnies

In the midst of many to-do lists which I found myself worshipping over these past couple of days, I heard God speaking to me in the process of spilled ink and a wind-up bunny.

I've been unbelievably stressed out with wrapping up this last month of school and starting summer project the day after school ends. I usually handle stress well, as long as I am productive and feel I am accomplishing something.

Yet as the work "seems" to pile up, the time diminishes.

Funny how time becomes such an issue when one isn't worshipping God ahead of to-do lists...

There's this one quote I love by Elisabeth Eliot that states "when one is in tune with God, one can tell the difference between a harmony and a conflict." And as I've been doing this architecture project, I have felt that the project and class has been the conflict.

What I didn't realize is that I was the conflict...

Praise be to God who through this architecture project, is showing me what I truly love, and loves me too much not to let me struggle and cease to grow. I don't need to resent the class or project, I need to resent myself.

After all, I truly am nothing without Him. This week has shown me that. Do I truly need to try to prove to myself or others who I am?

No, that's why He has covered me with endless grace. And grace I need.

I'm not going to spin my wheels like this wind-up bunny I was playing with today, taking all of these random paths and walking in circles with no clear direction. I need to wind down.

And like the spilled ink all over my project I've spent so much time on--it's time to spill my heart to the One who knows me better than anyone, who loves me despite all my shortcomings. And like the ink I washed off my project, so will my sins be gone, my sins of worshipping my idol of to-do lists rather than my altogether worthy Savior.

Things may be crazy, but never will they be crazy enough to keep me from my Lord. A wound-up bunny I will be no more.

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