I went to Montana de Oro this afternoon for a needed getaway to be still before my God. This has always been a place where I have run to in some way or another but also a place where every time I leave I walk away firmer in God's grip than I was when I first got there. The same was true of today.
I sat there for over an hour doing absolutely nothing but sitting in the presence of my Lord. The torrent of time that has had me in its grasp as of late seemed to slip away even if just for a bit. The odd thing is that I know I am fully where I need to be in the pace of time in this season; yet what a blessing it is to be able to be still before the One who has created me.
I've been unable to describe how I've been as of late in typical terms. But in all actuality, the answer is really as simple as this: I am firmly in my Father's grasp which is exactly where I need to be. I am one who is being refined like silver in the fire; constantly being shaped and molded. Life is never easy anymore. Every moment requires me to give more and more of myself, leading to my all. There's nothing better than that, but definitely nothing harder. I'm so incredibly thankful that through all of this He may be glorified. The things I do and what I am learning is nothing of myself; my flesh is futile. I'm also incredibly thankful that through all circumstances God brings me through, I may be able to know Him better...
Isn't that the point of this life here on Earth anyway? That I may know Him better and love Him more? Through those things my actions will be motivated to such a point in which I am glorifying Him without a conscious action; it is simply flowing as an overflow of the Spirit.
I've been learning that over this past week. I've also been in such a place when I have questioned why I am in the place I am in and if those things keep me from being in the right position with God. This includes people, ministry, school, etc. It's easy to forget and neglect the fact that these things were created and given by God in order that we may in that, know Him better as well. I recognize the fact that my God is a jealous God, desiring my love and affection...but I now realize that I do love Him through other people and the things I do. If done with a heart of praise and worship, may I glorify Him and grow to love Him more.
Because isn't that the point?
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