I don't have many words to speak of what God has been and is doing in me. I honestly don't know much of anything. But I do know that He is beyond good and faithful and He who began a good work in me will complete it, and this is the road I am on. What a journey it is to find myself in Him...even with the times of brokenness I have never experienced to this extent before. He will and is doing His good work in me. He pursues me like no other. He loves me too much to leave me alone. Oh praise be to Him!!
These three poems seem to describe rather well the journey as of late. The process is incredibly remarkable to go back and read over and see how God has been shaping me and being faithful beyond compare.
You'd hold all the pieces
I feel I don’t bend this way
But You tell me I can
I feel I don’t turn this way
But You tell me I will
I feel I don’t sit this way
But You say it is better
O Lord the things of myself that I know so well
The things I hold fast to as to the way I am
You seem to say “it shall be no longer.”
And I know in my head Your way is so much better
What will it take to get my heart to fully agree
On this road of brokenness and pain?
To walk by faith when I cannot see
To press on though still I weep
Could it be that it is in me Your love is forming
Requiring and end of myself
Could it be that my heart will beat stronger
Though it is consumed by love as I speak?
O Lord, Your refining fire
It smarts, burns, and stings
In this You know Your purpose full well
But I struggle to see
It is difficult, uncomfortable
And at times almost too much to bear
Yet in all this Lord, I know nothing else but to cling
To hold fast that You know me better
The ways I feel, the ways I bend
And You know the frailty of my heart
If it were to break, You’d hold all the pieces
And in Your image, my heart You’d mend
Will I stand once again?
I have found You in the most difficult of times
When it seems like my pain is too much to bear
It makes my strength be gone
Yet my defenses remain
When You have stripped my cold heart bare
I know it’s the work of Your hand
But what will it take for me to finally fall on my knees
And then stand back up and fully praise You again?
I see You in the desolation of my despair
I find You wiping away my tears that come from the source of my sin
I feel You wrap Your presence around my being
Yet I fear You penetrating my heart
An act of desperation makes me cling to Your very presence
And at the end I find nothing of me remains
How do I pick myself up off the ground
Stand on my feet and lift up my hands
Let a song from my mouth escape
And praise You once again?
No Words can do You justice
If I were to speak of Your majesty
No words could fully do You justice
From the sight of the tufts of life poking through the barren ground
To Your clouds dancing across the sky bearing the work of Your hands
From the waves of the ocean crashing and washing my heart
To the half moon resting on its side smiling at me
O Lord my God, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
If I were to speak of Your faithfulness
No words could fully do You justice
From the cries of desperation through tears You heard and answered
To moving this grieved heart to praise You again
From the promises You have spoken and never forsaken
To the sweet amazing ways of those You fulfill
O Lord my God, how much more faithful You are than anyone in all the earth!
If I were to speak of Your mercy
No words could fully do You justice
From the time You walked among me when I was a child
To the day You had my heart and took my hand
From the times I fail You and abandon who You are
To Your grace always washing me anew
O Lord my God, to no other can Your mercy compare!
If I were to speak of Your love
No words could fully do You justice
From the little moments and words shared with those dear
To the amazing gift of You fashioning me for my Beloved
From Your greatest sign of love on the cross
To Your endless pursuit of me still
O Lord my God, how Your love is better than anything I’ve ever known
O Lord my God, to You I will raise up and stand
Open my mouth and sing, to You I lift up my hands
This praise song forming in my heart renewing me again
If I were to sing forever the time would be far too short
Because You are the Lord my God and in You alone
I begin to find myself again
"My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the King; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe." Psalm 45:1
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Continued Brokenness
How radically things have changed in the months past and continue to. I was thinking today about what I used to say to people and what I used to write here. I have always used both of those things in a leadership role. However, for this time, God has stripped away all leadership I have and has told me not to take initiative and lead. Simply said, it is difficult and foreign.
I find that changing even in my blogs here. I hope that the change that has come in my writing would be one that reflects the changes God is doing in my heart. It was and is never about me who writes these entries or says certain words. I am not the source of wisdom. I am so unworthy of anything given to me, even this outlet to write such words. It is my prayer that in sharing of lessons God is teaching me as of late that God will speak to you in whatever way He wishes, and that all praise and glory be given to Him. If He chooses to use me, then so be it.
This past week was one in which I experienced the most times of brokenness in a short period of time. God is teaching me what it is to go cry in His arms and let Him wash away every tear. I realized a couple of weeks ago that the brokeness would continue. My heart has been too calloused and prideful for too long, and it is only through the brokeness He brings that it can be reformed and healed. Can I say that I still am learning to be okay with these times and not hate them? I will say that I know they are necessary, and when they are brought about by Him they are even sweeter, though difficult.
Even in the humility God brings can still exist a resistance to this brokenness. I can make myself numb to what He is doing in me. Unlike never before God is bringing me to understand who I truly am. In the penetrating light that He is, I see the areas of darkness in me uncovered. Oh how filthy I am in sin and how I grieve Him in so many ways. Celebration tonight talked about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and how it fills. I was thinking tonight about how it seemed like I once got it. It seemed there were times I got the idea of the Holy Spirit filling and also experienced glimpses of that. I know there were times in which I was led by the Holy Spirit in radical ways. Tonight I was wondering where that has gone. I still don’t really know the answer to that.
I think back to those times, however, and I look to my heart. Compared to now, I would say it was much more calloused and full of pride. I still keep coming back to the fact that I weep much more easily than ever before. I come to the fact that this heart of mine, all of its walls and self-defenses are so incredibly bare now. Yet Jesus has been restoring much. The anxiety and cares that I did have are going away in His sight. His light is penetrating. He illuminates everything.
I am in love with a man of God whom I certainly don't deserve. This is one area in which God is shaping my heart, in teaching me how to be vulnerable, submissive, and love with a love I have never experienced. When I am with him I find myself gazing upon him and being truly amazed at how evident God is in his life and heart. I find myself loving his little quirks and eccentricites about him in which God has made him unique. I remember the times in which I have failed him and am continually amazed at his endless love and grace for me. I find our relationship giving me such a necessity for God. And above all, I find myself amazed that he is before me in the way he is, and that God has blessed me with a man in whom I can continue to fall more in love with.
But how much more so should that be true for my Dear Savior?
At church today, especially today, when the invitation to receive Christ was given to the audience, at first I was thinking, “here we go again. It seems like we do this all the time.” How quickly God convicted me that my heart was so wrong in this. Have I forgotten that quickly who my Savior is, and who He was on the day I wrote my prayer to ask Him into my heart? Have I forgotten who He has been over the years, and His continued love and faithfulness since? There are times I know I do. Oh how my Dear Lord has not changed since that day. I need to remember that day and time so much more. I need to be just as eager to receive Him into my heart as I was in the beginning. I need to always be eager to know my Savior and desire Him and let His love sweep me abound like no other.
This past week God has been teaching me so much about Spiritual disciplines and discipline in general. I have seen that through His Word that the discipline He gives and the discipline we are to engage in all comes back to our heart for Him. If we truly understood who He is and allowed Him to be that person fully, there would be no hesitation in giving our all to Him. There is no reason that I should not be compelled to do so, except for the fact that I don’t worship Him in the way He deserves and I don’t give my all to Him. I still don’t know who He truly and fully is. I praise Him for being the same yesterday, today and forever. He is beyond good.
Dear Lord, it is my prayer that as Your light continues to illuminate all darkness around me and especially in me, that I would see how set apart You are and truly understand what the meaning of Your love and grace is. Dear Lord, as I continue to come to grips with the fact that I am filthy in sin, let me see and find Your character in ways I never have before. I pray that I would both see who I am apart from You and who I am because of You. I pray that I would above all, continue to see who You are. I pray that You be the Lord of my life. Dear Lord, I pray that I will not shy away from these times of brokenness. I know they are so difficult, but necessary. As Hebrews 12:11 says, our times of discipline and hardships will bring about a harvest of righteousness. Let me look to that as well. Oh Lord, my God, I praise You for being who You are. Thank You. I am so undeserving, but thank You.
I find that changing even in my blogs here. I hope that the change that has come in my writing would be one that reflects the changes God is doing in my heart. It was and is never about me who writes these entries or says certain words. I am not the source of wisdom. I am so unworthy of anything given to me, even this outlet to write such words. It is my prayer that in sharing of lessons God is teaching me as of late that God will speak to you in whatever way He wishes, and that all praise and glory be given to Him. If He chooses to use me, then so be it.
This past week was one in which I experienced the most times of brokenness in a short period of time. God is teaching me what it is to go cry in His arms and let Him wash away every tear. I realized a couple of weeks ago that the brokeness would continue. My heart has been too calloused and prideful for too long, and it is only through the brokeness He brings that it can be reformed and healed. Can I say that I still am learning to be okay with these times and not hate them? I will say that I know they are necessary, and when they are brought about by Him they are even sweeter, though difficult.
Even in the humility God brings can still exist a resistance to this brokenness. I can make myself numb to what He is doing in me. Unlike never before God is bringing me to understand who I truly am. In the penetrating light that He is, I see the areas of darkness in me uncovered. Oh how filthy I am in sin and how I grieve Him in so many ways. Celebration tonight talked about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and how it fills. I was thinking tonight about how it seemed like I once got it. It seemed there were times I got the idea of the Holy Spirit filling and also experienced glimpses of that. I know there were times in which I was led by the Holy Spirit in radical ways. Tonight I was wondering where that has gone. I still don’t really know the answer to that.
I think back to those times, however, and I look to my heart. Compared to now, I would say it was much more calloused and full of pride. I still keep coming back to the fact that I weep much more easily than ever before. I come to the fact that this heart of mine, all of its walls and self-defenses are so incredibly bare now. Yet Jesus has been restoring much. The anxiety and cares that I did have are going away in His sight. His light is penetrating. He illuminates everything.
I am in love with a man of God whom I certainly don't deserve. This is one area in which God is shaping my heart, in teaching me how to be vulnerable, submissive, and love with a love I have never experienced. When I am with him I find myself gazing upon him and being truly amazed at how evident God is in his life and heart. I find myself loving his little quirks and eccentricites about him in which God has made him unique. I remember the times in which I have failed him and am continually amazed at his endless love and grace for me. I find our relationship giving me such a necessity for God. And above all, I find myself amazed that he is before me in the way he is, and that God has blessed me with a man in whom I can continue to fall more in love with.
But how much more so should that be true for my Dear Savior?
At church today, especially today, when the invitation to receive Christ was given to the audience, at first I was thinking, “here we go again. It seems like we do this all the time.” How quickly God convicted me that my heart was so wrong in this. Have I forgotten that quickly who my Savior is, and who He was on the day I wrote my prayer to ask Him into my heart? Have I forgotten who He has been over the years, and His continued love and faithfulness since? There are times I know I do. Oh how my Dear Lord has not changed since that day. I need to remember that day and time so much more. I need to be just as eager to receive Him into my heart as I was in the beginning. I need to always be eager to know my Savior and desire Him and let His love sweep me abound like no other.
This past week God has been teaching me so much about Spiritual disciplines and discipline in general. I have seen that through His Word that the discipline He gives and the discipline we are to engage in all comes back to our heart for Him. If we truly understood who He is and allowed Him to be that person fully, there would be no hesitation in giving our all to Him. There is no reason that I should not be compelled to do so, except for the fact that I don’t worship Him in the way He deserves and I don’t give my all to Him. I still don’t know who He truly and fully is. I praise Him for being the same yesterday, today and forever. He is beyond good.
Dear Lord, it is my prayer that as Your light continues to illuminate all darkness around me and especially in me, that I would see how set apart You are and truly understand what the meaning of Your love and grace is. Dear Lord, as I continue to come to grips with the fact that I am filthy in sin, let me see and find Your character in ways I never have before. I pray that I would both see who I am apart from You and who I am because of You. I pray that I would above all, continue to see who You are. I pray that You be the Lord of my life. Dear Lord, I pray that I will not shy away from these times of brokenness. I know they are so difficult, but necessary. As Hebrews 12:11 says, our times of discipline and hardships will bring about a harvest of righteousness. Let me look to that as well. Oh Lord, my God, I praise You for being who You are. Thank You. I am so undeserving, but thank You.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Marvelous Light
This quarter is completely different than last quarter in so many ways. It would take forever to explain it in its fullness. I've been struck by a couple things, however. Part of the rearranging my room was moving my bed to a different wall. When I wake up in the morning, I am greeted with the view of the hill outside my room, illuminated in the precious morning light. I woke up on Friday in one of the most worshipful states I have woken up in and it was sweet beyond belief. The light shining in my room seemed to be warmer, richer, brighter, and the sky a deep, vivid blue in contrast with the bright tufts of green grass beginning to emerge from this hill.
The hill in its physicality has not changed, though it is becoming greener. The sky is still the same and the same sun rises every morning. Yet, I view it completely different this quarter. Last quarter this scene would've brought me probably either anxiety or dread at the prospect of getting up for another day. I so miserably failed to see the beauty in each day and realize that God is fully in it and sovereign.
I think it also comes in the wake of Christmas break and waking up to a 5 foot drift of snow next to my window every morning and being met with the harsh elements. Obviously, the weather is a little bit better here.
But it's so much more than that. If I were to leave it at that, I would do God such injustice at what He has done. He has rearranged my life in more ways than one and melted away the snow that left me unable to move. There is a newfound hope and joy He has brought, much like the green grass emerging which brings way to spring. There's been a lot of shifting in my heart, one so difficult but so good. And now the light that once brought anxiety brings hope and a rememberance of His promises. He is beyond good. He is the light, and in Him there is no darkness. The closer I get to Him as I allow Him to pursue me, the harder it is to find any darkness.
Today John and I took a little day trip to Paso and then over to Cambria and then to the shores of Cambria. Oh how evident God is in His creation! I found myself in a rekindled love for the ocean and the hills and all that surrounds me. It spoke to my heart again, and God asked me the question, "Will you always look to me?" Last quarter I didn't. I looked away from Him because I feared Him for all the wrong reasons. Now I realize that there is no way I can't look to Him, for He is my light, my strength, my salvation, the source of love! How can I not look to Him when He surrounds and He is the very breath I breathe out of my mouth, the air that fills my lungs, the joy in my heart?!?
And oh, how amazing it is to not have any anxiety about the future for the first time in a long time! I was planning the classes I need to take over the next three years and was at Spring of 2010, hopefully when I will graduate. Oh, where will I be then? I can only imagine at where God will take me in that time and what He will do! I can't wait! I was sitting with John today and thinking that the best is yet to come...that is hard to believe! Oour mini-adventure gave me a craving for more today, I crave for more of His adventure. It's a journey unlike any other, full of surprises and trials and blessings and lessons and so much more. It will not always be easy but it will always be worth it!
"My lovingkindness I will keep for him forever,
And My covenant shall be confirmed to him.
"So I will establish his descendants forever
And his throne as the days of heaven.
"If his sons forsake My law
And do not walk in My judgments,
If they violate My statutes
And do not keep My commandments,
Then I will punish their transgression with the rod
And their iniquity with stripes.
"But I will not break off My lovingkindness from him,
Nor deal falsely in My faithfulness.
"My covenant I will not violate,
And My covenant shall be confirmed to him.
"So I will establish his descendants forever
And his throne as the days of heaven.
"If his sons forsake My law
And do not walk in My judgments,
If they violate My statutes
And do not keep My commandments,
Then I will punish their transgression with the rod
And their iniquity with stripes.
"But I will not break off My lovingkindness from him,
Nor deal falsely in My faithfulness.
"My covenant I will not violate,
Nor will I alter the utterance of My lips.
"Once I have sworn by My holiness;
I will not lie to David.
"His descendants shall endure forever
And his throne as the sun before Me.
"It shall be established forever like the moon,
And the witness in the sky is faithful."
"Once I have sworn by My holiness;
I will not lie to David.
"His descendants shall endure forever
And his throne as the sun before Me.
"It shall be established forever like the moon,
And the witness in the sky is faithful."
Psalm 89:28-37
Oh Lord my God
Oh Lord my God
When I think about where I've been
Who I've been, what I've done
I come to grips with myself
As slippery clay at the bottom of a miry pit
The storms of life came but I knew
nothing else to do but to remain.
Oh how wide and deep is Your love and everlasting grace!
For You reached into the depths
of my shapeless, formless anguish
pulling me out of the hell I knew.
Oh how tender is Your care and mercy!
You shephered me into Your arms
Healed the shattered pieces of my life
which I arrogantly bore
Led me beside quiet waters and restored me still
Oh how solid is the rock that You are!
apart from You I stumble and fall
because strong and sturdy are Your foundations
They will surely last for eternity
Oh Lord my God,
when I think about where I've been,
what I've done, and who I still am
I realize my desperate need for Your grace
Your abundant love, the only that fills
the empty void in my heart apart from You
Oh Lord my God,
When I gaze on You and wrap myself in who You are
Surely I must praise, for my heart,
my every breath compels me to sing
to tell of who You are and what You've done
redeeming and restoring even me
and pursuing with a love beyond all others
Oh Lord my God,
surely the Heavens declare Your majesty
the starry host the work of Your hands
Oh Dear Lord, how I pray
that I, fashioned in Your image and bearing Your name
would glorify You and bring You endless fame
All of my days, let this be my heart's cry
for You are the Lord my God
and there is none like You
for You are the Lord my God
and Heaven and Earth shall bow down and worship You.
When I think about where I've been
Who I've been, what I've done
I come to grips with myself
As slippery clay at the bottom of a miry pit
The storms of life came but I knew
nothing else to do but to remain.
Oh how wide and deep is Your love and everlasting grace!
For You reached into the depths
of my shapeless, formless anguish
pulling me out of the hell I knew.
Oh how tender is Your care and mercy!
You shephered me into Your arms
Healed the shattered pieces of my life
which I arrogantly bore
Led me beside quiet waters and restored me still
Oh how solid is the rock that You are!
apart from You I stumble and fall
because strong and sturdy are Your foundations
They will surely last for eternity
Oh Lord my God,
when I think about where I've been,
what I've done, and who I still am
I realize my desperate need for Your grace
Your abundant love, the only that fills
the empty void in my heart apart from You
Oh Lord my God,
When I gaze on You and wrap myself in who You are
Surely I must praise, for my heart,
my every breath compels me to sing
to tell of who You are and what You've done
redeeming and restoring even me
and pursuing with a love beyond all others
Oh Lord my God,
surely the Heavens declare Your majesty
the starry host the work of Your hands
Oh Dear Lord, how I pray
that I, fashioned in Your image and bearing Your name
would glorify You and bring You endless fame
All of my days, let this be my heart's cry
for You are the Lord my God
and there is none like You
for You are the Lord my God
and Heaven and Earth shall bow down and worship You.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
A Holy Necessity
I have been stripped. I have been emptied. I have been and am going through what has been the hardest spiritual lesson in my six year walk with Christ. I literally have nothing and am nothing. I have no control over anything anymore and very little idea of what is to happen in the future. My life’s strategy of having 5-year plans, analyzing and researching things to death, along with the whatnot is no longer. I am beginning a new major with no idea of what I am going to do with it except glorify God in some way. I am entering a new department with people that right now, I really don’t know how to relate to. I am in a relationship that stretches me in ways I never have been, in not just becoming the person God wants me to be, but the woman He has created me to be. God’s plans for missions in my life may be changing to an extent, at least for a period of time. And the promises Christ has foretold, I just wait in expectancy for Him to reveal Himself through the things He will do.
I have always been rather disciplined in my walk with Christ, and have flourished because of it. I know the necessity of these disciplines such as prayer, reading the word, fasting, solitude, silence, etc., are critical to maintain a thriving relationship with our Savior. However, for a period of time, it simply wasn’t the same. I didn’t get the same things out of it that I once did and I didn’t understand why. I became stuck to say the least. I had moved forward and got to a point where I got stuck as Christ called me deeper and further into dangerous territory I have seldom ventured.
I no longer see Christ just as the docile shepherd I have always seen Him as. I see Him as One fiery and passionate, not asking, but commanding that I give my all to him and follow, no questions asked. He is to ask the questions of me. I see the Jesus that Peter saw on his fishing boat, that after He filled up Peter’s nets, He called him to forsake it all and follow Him. Peter asked Christ to leave his presence for he is a sinful man. There’s a book I have been reading, Your God is Too Safe, and it creates the image of Jesus filled with fiery passion as He commands Peter to follow. Peter had a choice to allow Jesus to leave, or to leave everything he had to follow Jesus. That image of Jesus has scared me and made me uncomfortable. Jesus, the One who comes and fills our own nets, often does so in order that we may see He is the source, and then commands us to forsake it all. I have been blessed beyond anything I can imagine, and so my nets are full, if you will. However, Jesus has come face to face with me and has called me to leave it all for His sake. I am to truly seek out His Kingdom and His righteousness first and foremost and all things will be added to it.
And after this encounter with the true and full Christ, I became Jacob wrestling with God. God touched the socket of Jacob’s hip in order that he may understand that God has full power. The interesting thing is that Jacob was able to wrestle with God; God permitted so. One would think a God who can kill someone with a strike of lightning wouldn’t allow a mortal to wrestle with Him. However, it is through this wrestling with God that Jacob truly encounters Him and realizes that He is the source of blessing. Jacob is left with a limp in order that he may not forget, and gains the new name of Israel because he struggled with God and men and overcame (Gen 32:28). At the beginning of this summer I was fascinated with Jacob for I didn’t really understand him. The book I have been reading talks about Jacob on a couple of occasions. However, as I read it, I thought those chapters were the least convicting. Looking back I realize it was because I didn’t want to face or admit the fact that I too, like Jacob, was wrestling with God and myself.
In this season God has made me more vulnerable than ever before. I have long excelled at putting up walls in my life and not telling people my struggles. I finally realized much of why this is so today. As I was the only Christian in my family for almost 6 years, I didn’t have spiritual accountability and leadership from my parents like others may be used to. I have been the spiritual leader in my family for the majority of the time I have walked with Christ. One thing I have known is I have the tendency to feel I must be strong. Much of that has to do with what my family went through in high school, and because I had the hope of Christ, I was looked to and put in the position to hold my parents and my family together in many ways. However, after talking to my mom about a couple of things this week, I realize my parent’s resolve to fix all of my problems. They lift me up on a pedestal and validate everything I am feeling and going through, whether right or not. I couldn’t take this advice fully while walking with Christ. See, they were and still do live much more for the world than for God. I wasn’t walking in the same path. I know they have the best of intentions and they do it all out of love, but I needed more than they were able to give me. Therefore, I went to my best friend with my struggles and pretty much no one else. I wasn’t in the habit of telling people my struggles because I didn’t want them to give me a quick fix that wasn’t edifying to me. This habit is to be no longer though. God has brought the walls crumbling down time and time again over the last few months. Now He is cracking me open. He is desiring me to be vulnerable with those people in my life, but above all, to be vulnerable to Him. I need to be soft for the shaping, and if I have those walls up attempting to be strong all the time, I will never admit my abundance of weaknesses and needs for Him. I have long succeeded on doing things on my own efforts and including God in it. But that’s not what He wants. He wants to further His Kingdom and include me in it.
With that God has been working and shaping and forming my heart, sometimes in soft, gentle care, and more so with sharp, painful hammer blows. In this I have realized how much I hate being exposed. Sure, I could come out behind the walls and show myself a bit, but the hand would always be on the gate handle in order that I could go back in and hide. I actually have had a recurring dream throughout my life. It is that I am out in a public place and I need to go to the bathroom. So I go, pull down the pants, and sit on the seat to do my business. Yet as soon as I do that, the stall vanishes, and I am stark in the middle of the busiest place, such as a food court in a mall. People walk all around me and look at me wondering why the heck am I going to the bathroom in the middle of such a place, and I try to move and hide, but I am stuck, unable to move. The nightmare of being exposed continues and continues. I always wake up at this point.
I always thought that this was just one of those weird dreams that I’ve had. I’ve even told it to friends as one of those amusing dreams one has while growing up. However, I don’t view it the same anymore. Oh how much fear and anxiety I have in being exposed, and how much I have hated it. To be exposed to that degree reminds me of the ickyness of going to the bathroom in the middle of a food court while others are eating. So I have long since avoided it.
God doesn’t let these matters go. Yes, He has created us and fashioned us into the men and women we are today, but He is not content to leave us as we are. He is the ultimate refiner. It is not acceptable for me to just say that I hate being exposed and that is just how I am. God wishes to stretch me even more. What I may view as being “icky,” the act of being exposed, is the very way in which God will choose to reveal His light to the world, starting with the people around me. I am not to include God in my plans, which would probably be ones of avoiding that level of exposure, but He is including me in His, which means I will be exposed beyond anything my flesh desires.
Such is the war between flesh and spirit. Oh how I know that God knows what is best for me and following Him above all no matter what the cost is more than worth it. Yet, my flesh sees those costs and doesn’t wish to give anything up. It is far easier and more comfortable to remain in the boat and not walk on water. It is much harder to trust Jesus and begin to walk on water, but even harder still I think is walking on water and keeping our eyes on Jesus so that we don’t sink.
I have been remembering this summer when I went on project. Never before have I felt so spiritually alive and seen God move in the ways that He did. The reason for that was that I was constantly out of the boat, out of my comfort zone, walking on water with my eyes fixed solely on Him. Oh how profoundly amazing this summer was. As I left project, I was still walking on water, and I did for a short while. However, after going back to school and experiencing a culture shock of sorts, I tried to continue to keep walking on water but didn’t fix my eyes on Jesus. I began to sink.
I haven’t been trusting Jesus to be the same One who called me out of the boat and invited me to walk on water in the first place. I have never really learned how to let Him minister to me in the fullest. I would try to keep walking on water but I would look to those around me and situations around me and get distracted. That kept my eyes off Jesus and made me sink.
Now as I turn my eyes back to the Jesus whom I fixed my eyes on as I walked on water, I find a different, fuller Jesus than I had before. This began the wrestle with Him like Jacob wrestled. God is calling me to be exposed, vulnerable, have no control, become a woman, submissive, and all these things so foreign to me. I didn’t want this exposure of my heart in which I no longer had control. I wrestled with God in giving this over, in fixing my eyes upon Jesus so I could walk on water again. And in this process, I made an idol out of my relationship with John. It was easier for me to think the true issues with my vulnerability, submission, exposure, emotions, needs, etc., lay with him. I had a bit of control over this, whereas with God all I can do is fully surrender. An idol is so easy to hide behind and I understand why Jesus came into the temple courts raging with anger to wipe those away. Such disgrace they bring to Him. This struggle with God finally became clear as I realized through my actions, I screwed up the one thing in my life I never wanted to. I took it into my own hands and embraced that idol so I wouldn’t have to come before Him just as I am. Like God touching Jacob’s hip so he would know it was Him, God has touched my heart so I will know it is Him. I am left with a strong memory that brings a bitter taste to my mouth of how I took control and screwed up things, and while it might be nice if it would go away, I am thankful it remains. Like Jacob’s limp, it reminds me that God is all powerful and I am not to be in control; everything falls apart when I do so. It reminds me of my struggle with Him and how I must surrender.
It hasn’t been an easy one. Like I said earlier, I feel completely emptied and humbled. I wrote this in my journal a couple of days ago as I was at the World Prayer Center coming before God finally allowing Him to do what He wishes in me. “Dear Lord, I don’t bring things to You in the way that I need to. I have been basically mocking who You are and Your character because I don’t allow You to be who You are to me. I don’t have enough faith for you to be who You are to me. You are the God whom I proclaim to others, yet I don’t let You be that same God to me. I complain to You of the state my heart is in, when I put myself there. I have been looking to the world for its definitions of things rather than to You and to Your word, because it is in that that I think I am okay when I really am not. I wonder why am I hurt and why am I struggling, when I don’t allow You to heal. I have chosen a stagnant way because I won’t let You be who You are. Again and again, I try to carry the pieces and put them together, but over and over again I full and stumble and drop them all. Dear Lord, I claim that You are the Lord of my heart but I haven’t been living it. I have been hypocritical in how I have been living. Dear Lord, I don’t know why You have endless mercy on me, because I don’t deserve it.”
How He met me there...how He has always been there. One thing I understand fully is that it has never been His lack of coming or being there; it has been my choice not to come and let Him be who He is. I am emptied in order that He may fill. I am humbled that I may always remember the roots of who I am, a sinner and in desperate need of God. Psalm 32 has spoken to me greatly in this time. God also reminded me of how intimately personal His pursuit of me is by bringing me back to my snow covered field from a year ago, in which He spoke and showed me how my sins, scarlet blood red, are washed as white as snow, only by Him.
He is beyond faithful. I have everything I could ever need and desire in Him alone. He covers my abundance of weaknesses with His blood.
I am remembering and learning. I am finding a deeper significance than ever before in seeking God. It is not something I am simply to do, but it is a Holy necessity. I sink without it.
God is so gracious and yet so dangerous. As the Chronicles of Narnia state, “He is not safe, but he is good.” He is so good.
I can’t see much beyond the waves of my life right now. I know there are going to be times when the ocean is more still and times when it stirs like crazy. There are going to be times in which it will be easier to walk and focus, and times in which I will be stretched beyond anything, struggling to keep my balance and not stumble. I know that the Jesus who calls me to follow Him—his path is uncertain, but established. I know the risks of walking on water—it is so easy to sink, as I already have. But I have experienced what it is like to stay in the boat and know how spiritually dead it feels. I am as vulnerable as Peter, walking on the water to Jesus. The water is temperamental, fallible, unpredictable. I am exposed to the elements of the ocean and storms around.
But as long as I keep my eyes on Jesus alone…Dear, dear Jesus, with a fiery passion in His eyes and a consuming love in His heart that captures me like no other…I will not sink.
As long as I keep my eyes on Jesus alone...
I will walk on water.
Monday, January 01, 2007
My Lord Jesus
I wrote this while by the fireplace in the mountains and was completely captured by the fact that I can call Lord Jesus mine
There's a different kind of praise
that from my mouth escapes
no longer a touch of bitter but a sweet, sweet taste
My Lord Jesus is here and He has wiped away
this solemn, sullen melody my heart used to make
Rejoice in the presence of the new
The joy in my heart has been renewed
All of my days, let me worship my King
My dear Lord Jesus who came and died to save
There's a new song that I must exclaim
My Lord Jesus, He is the King of Kings
My Lord Jesus, He is the Prince of Peace
My Lord Jesus, He is exalted on high
My Lord Jesus, His name a banner across the sky
My Lord Jesus, the crown of thorns You wore
My Lord Jesus, my filthy sin You doth bore
My Lord Jesus, You came to live and die
to be resurrected and lifted on high
My Lord Jesus, the generations know Your fame
My Lord Jesus, forever will endure Your name
My Lord Jesus, You know my heart
and You love me just the same
My Lord Jesus, my love whom I can call by name
There's a new song in my heart
May it forever ring
May it forever sing
Everlasting praises to You
My Lord Jesus, my Savior and King
There's a different kind of praise
that from my mouth escapes
no longer a touch of bitter but a sweet, sweet taste
My Lord Jesus is here and He has wiped away
this solemn, sullen melody my heart used to make
Rejoice in the presence of the new
The joy in my heart has been renewed
All of my days, let me worship my King
My dear Lord Jesus who came and died to save
There's a new song that I must exclaim
My Lord Jesus, He is the King of Kings
My Lord Jesus, He is the Prince of Peace
My Lord Jesus, He is exalted on high
My Lord Jesus, His name a banner across the sky
My Lord Jesus, the crown of thorns You wore
My Lord Jesus, my filthy sin You doth bore
My Lord Jesus, You came to live and die
to be resurrected and lifted on high
My Lord Jesus, the generations know Your fame
My Lord Jesus, forever will endure Your name
My Lord Jesus, You know my heart
and You love me just the same
My Lord Jesus, my love whom I can call by name
There's a new song in my heart
May it forever ring
May it forever sing
Everlasting praises to You
My Lord Jesus, my Savior and King
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