Sunday, June 11, 2006

48 Hours

48 much can happen in a short time.

I've left school, SLO, and the people I know there, saying temporary good-byes and remembering the blessings there.

And then I am here in Santa Monica, CA, at the Palm Motel, in a room with three other girls, attempting to get in some quiet time. This quiet time I've had is what sustains me, for it is so critical for me to write and pour out my heart to God. I'm introverted with an extroverted side, I'm finding. I can be extroverted when need be, but I'm much more introverted. This will stretch me over the next couple of days.

As I read over my journal entry, I found some common themes:
1: I am scared out of my mind to be here on Summer Project
2: I don't like the unknown and uncertainty
3: I really don't breathe much in times like this

But in spite of these things above, my mind and heart has to keep coming back to the fact that God has placed me here for so many reasons. Man, how He's stretching me just in the several hours I've been here. I'm seeing so many glimpses of why I am here this summer today and it overwhelms me greatly. I think I'm overwhelming myself in a way too by looking to too much at one time.

God spoke to me and told me to live life by the moment in light of eternity. This means that I will focus on what is solely at the present but know that it is a moment shaping eternity, and that is what I live for.

There's a quote from some book I love that talks about a girl struggling to get dressed, and when someone went to help her, she said that it was okay, for her papa usually let her struggle. Her papa realized the necessity that struggle plays in growth. Such is what my Papa is doing now...making me struggle so I will grow.

But with all this, I know so much beauty is to during worship tonight, God showed up...His presence filled the room immediately. Such is the case when 45 college students decide to lay down their summers and lives for the Lord. It will be beautiful to see what happens with so many surrendered hearts....

Keep me in your prayers. Keep this project in your prayers. I know I need it greatly. You are all in my prayers as well, and keep in touch. You are all so important to me in some way.

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