Could it really be?
That the Lord of all the earth has my name engraved on His palms?
That within all of his infinite Holiness He knows me by name?
Could it really be?
That the Creator of the universe--His image I bear?
That despite my sinful flesh He’ll mold my heart to His?
To my knees I fall as You move me to tears in this place so intimate
Beyond words and comprehension, Your love never will I understand
My hands and heart lifted in worship, sheer worship that will last all of my days
Groanings I cannot express, I cry out endless praise
You surpass anything I can comprehend
I worship You
I am less than a drop in the bucket yet You know that drop by name
You are holy beyond belief yet You love me the same
Hold me close to Your heart like the lambs You gather in Your arms
So perfect is Your adoration of Your creation Holy Father are You
I'm so incredibly amazed at my Heavenly Father, my Savior, my everything. I will never be able to get my mind around the perfect love He shows and the infinitude of Him, and that is why I worship...I'm blown away because He doesn't need us yet we are still here; He created us out of love and we are called to worship Him, for every good and perfect gift is from Him. The nations, all the nations in the entire world are a drop in the bucket compared to Him (Isaiah 40:15)and all that we see done in this world, whether it be for good or for bad, those are all a drop in the bucket compared to God and what He can do. Out of this I find myself in extreme reverence and extreme fear, for all of the good we have seen of this world, He is far, far above that, and then all of the bad we have seen of this world, such as the most horrible wars and diseases, He can bring much, much more than that. And what a tender, passionate lover He is…He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart…could it really be? Could it really be that He has called me by name and has my name engraven on His palms? I don’t understand how such a good and perfect Lord could love me as much as He does… and I’m moved to tears. He is such an intimate, personal God and it blows me away how much He moves me and speaks to me. It blows me away how I can never get enough of His love and I keep running into His arms for it. It amazes me how much He has thoroughly blessed me and how I’ve only received a taste of what He has to bring. It amazes me that He still calls me by name and is raising me up to do things beyond my comprehension and understanding. And because He is good and perfect, He created us all with free will. Yet as Tozer said, giving up our lives to Him is not giving up our free will, it is exercising it by giving our lives to Him, to one who understands us far better than we understand ourselves. And so I am exercising my free will and giving my life to Him, for He understands me far better than I know myself. All of these things deep within my heart that I cannot express He knows full well, for He is the bearer of those things. I am less than a drop in the bucket yet He knows that drop by name, and He loves that drop far beyond any understanding. I worship You, Lord. I worship You.
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