"There is no time like the present..."
That statement is true in many ways, but possesses extreme danger if we take the liberty that statement gives and use it in the wrong way. I heard this statement said tonight in regards to being in college and the ministry field we have around us as students. We were exhorted to make the most out of the opportunity we have now. And for the first time in my many times of hearing this, I see the grave danger in this statement. In all the previous times hearing this statement, I have responded to some degree or another, desiring to go out and make the most out of the present time and the people around me, wanting to be more effective for the Gospel, because after all, "there is no time like the present," right? But every time I have done so, it has failed. And I understand why now. Nothing can be accomplished without the Holy Spirit, and so little can happen without the filling of the Holy Spirit.
Look at Peter. He had the best of intentions and one of the greatest hearts, but he so often rushed ahead of Jesus' timing. He was quick to respond to walk on water but the lack of full knowledge and faith in Jesus caused him to start sinking. This is just one example of many. Over time, he learned these valuable lessons. Jesus later asked him the the same question three times, "Peter, do you love me?" and in that time, Peter had started to get it. Not until after Pentecost came and he received the Holy Spirit did the ministry Jesus gave to him fully start and came into fruition. The keys to the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus promised to give were given and used. But not without a right understanding of who Jesus is or the filling of the Holy Spirit was this done. We can do all we want before this happens, but it is so dangerous. We wonder why as Christians we are often ineffective. We don't see that we don't understand who Jesus is and the importance of the Holy Spirit. We don't understand the authority the Father has given us through them. And we keep wondering why we keep missing the point.
Up until now, I have missed that point, but I will do so no longer. Nothing good or effective can be birthed out of us; it is only through the Father's love, the Redemption of the Son, and the indwelling and filling of the Spirit. And that's where the truth of the statement "there is no time like the present" comes in--because there is no time like the present to earnestly seek out and learn these things. It is not only our Spiritual health and well-being that depends on it, but all the lives of others around us as well. And though our culture does not say to wait, Jesus does, and we must trust in His sovereignty in all people and all circumstances that as we wait upon Him and learn what we must, He is working. He is not dependent upon us to get His will done on this earth. We must not reduce Creator to the limits of creature. But He has given us the gift of participating in His grand scheme in this world and the filling of power in order to do so.
But that must first come with a right understanding of Father, Son, and Spirit, and a change of heart in obedience and surrender as a result. An easy task? No. But He will reveal Himself to the hearts of men who seek Him out. And for that?
There's no time like the present.
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