Wednesday, February 13, 2008

To Fall and to Land

You hold the grains of sand in the grip of your hand
Opening Your palm You let them fall
Each takes its own course in the downward force
Though remaining part of the greater scheme of it all
They seem to fall to disorder and disarray
Landing in places where no pattern can be found
It seems contrary to the control of Your hand
For they appear terribly scattered about
Yet stepping away and looking again
One finds they are beautifully contained
Individually they may not make sense
In the greater scheme they lay not in vain
For what seldom makes sense at the present
Could be just the falling of the sand
It will take its course
And in time, it will land
For they are sands within the hourglass falling as they may
All within Your sovereign control according to Your plan
We must look beyond just the one
And see the all that lies within Your hands

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