I’m here to tell you of the greatest love story of all time
It surpasses human comprehension including my own
I’m here to listen to your heart and your life
That you may call me friend
I’m here to show you the greatest love I can give
To no longer keep what is not my own
Let me tell who this man named Jesus is
Let me tell you what He’s done for me
Let me tell you He is who He says He is
Let me tell you what He can do for you
Can you see the tunnel of which I am walking through
There’s a light at the end that you can’t see because darkness is all you’ve known
You think that if you’d look and open up your eyes
The magnitude of which you see would leave you blind
Take away the comfort of the life that’s been all you’ve known
Yet blindness is all you know now
Sometimes it seems easier to stumble around in the dark
There’s secrets and hurts that can be hidden, never exposed to the light
You think that if they were exposed your heart would be broken and grow cold
The pain caused by it would be greater than the knife in the dark
Empty tears rolling down a stoic face never exposed to the light
But your heart has already grown cold
I’m here to tell you now that there’s a greater hope
I can promise you it surpasses anything you know
Would you stay and listen a while, hear me sing
There’s no other name but Jesus
There’s no other love like His
There’s no other friend like Jesus
There is no one like Him
There is none like Jesus
Walk alongside me a while and hear the whispers of His name
Open up your eyes and see the light that takes away Your pain
See that the darkness is not your domain
Your heart is slippery to hold on your own, let Him carry it on
Release the life you know now, let Him heal it to the full
And turn your ears to hear Him calling you home
“There’s no other name but mine
There’s no other love like this
I’m the one that’s by your side
I’m the one of which there is no other
There is none like me”
Do you hear who this man named Jesus is
Do you hear what He’s done for you
Do you see that He is who He says He is
Do you know what He can do for you?
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