Thursday, October 12, 2006


Dare I try to give this justice?
Try to describe it through my mere words
I know my words will fail
But try I must
For I am compelled
To go beyond the limits of what I see now
Reaching for infinitude that can never fully be grasped
I stretch out my open hand
A mere portion to which I cling
Yet just a glimpse proves better than life
The sands of time slide through my fingers
Bringing an ever-changing season
I can’t stop here for that would fail even more
Faces becoming more vivid still
A world so different than the one I know now
A revolution about to emerge
The tribes coming together in adulation
Every tongue dripping with praise
I come today
Ready to answer the call
I know my efforts will fail
But try I must
To go beyond the limits of what I do now
Doing the things that answer the call of eternity
I stretch out my open heart
A mere portion of which I see
Yet just a feeling proves better than life

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