As I was driving today, I was thinking about the story and life of Jesus, particularly the description found in Isaiah 53. It made me ponder the reality that Jesus’ life was a difficult one, not without persecution, suffering, or difficulties. Though He was fully God, He was also fully man and in His life here on this earth, subject to the very same things I am.
Yet, in knowing His story, life, and message, it cannot be denied that it was a beautiful one. It cannot be easily ignored that with the suffering came redemption and restoration. What makes His story so beautiful could be the pairing of stark contrasts that we seldom could not see paired otherwise, such as: “The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him” (Isaiah 53:5). It goes on to say He was a lamb led to the slaughter, and it brings the picture of pure white wool stained with the blood that came.
But there was redemption. There was purpose in the very slaughter. “It was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities” (Isaiah 53:10-11). And ultimately, there was hope.
On the eve of the birth of my Savior, I find there to be a lyric sung at church this morning that captures an irony well: “why would He send a little baby…?” Looking at that statement alone, it makes no sense. Yet, in the whole picture, it is a beautiful thing and understood.
I am finding great comfort in the life of my Savior. It makes the realities of mine make more sense, as my Savior lives through me. My life is not one without difficulties, and I am subject to things of this world. In many ways, I relate to that lyric sung this morning, “why would He send a little baby?” So often I feel like a baby with such lofty purpose and plans put upon me that in that context, do not make sense. But I am reminded of the contrasts and how they are beautiful. I am reminded of looking at the whole picture and seeing it as purposeful. That is true for me. My Savior lives in me, and just as I am subject to the realities of this world, I am more so subject to the life of Him, full of redemption and purpose, full of mercy and love. Just as the life He lived was not an easy one, so too, is mine.
But it is purposeful.
And ultimately, it is beautiful.
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