Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Greater Thing Unseen

I think I’ve seen so much
The things that come or go or stay
All linger with my Creator’s touch
That the moments I experience
I drink deeper from the fount of love
Because my eyes open and I see
The intricate workings of my God

For what can I say of the beauty of it all?
Of the great things seen, a redemption of the fall
The hearts of men come into tune and respond
To Your grace and love of You Holy Lord, the Unspeakable One

But a deeper drink from the fount
Leaves an unquenched thirst
And then my mind wonders of the
things unseen and my heart comes
to sing of the mystery
that I haven’t seen anything yet

For what can I say of the beauty of it all?
Of a greater thing unseen, a further display of your love
The hearts of men come into praise to worship and fall
into Your grace and love of You Holy Lord, the Unspeakable One

For what can I say of the beauty of it all?
Of a greater thing unseen, the intricate workings of my God?

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