Sunday, August 05, 2007

The Eve of Seven Years

I've kept rather quiet as of late, I know. But I would rather not be hasty with my mouth and instead let my words be few before my Lord, and also to let my words be few with others. There's such a beauty in choosing one's words carefully; in other words, being silent until/if God prompts one to speak.

And besides, God has spoken..."I am the LORD," he says, "and there is no other. I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner so no one can understand what I mean. And I did not tell the people of Israel to ask me for something I did not plan to give. I, the LORD, speak only what is true and right" Isaiah 45:18-19.

I remain in such perfect peace with this promise of my God. I know He will never leave nor forsake me nor disappoint me. How great is the hope of those who wait on the Lord. He surely renews their strength.

I see so many things before my very eyes as well as promises of what is to come. With those promises, I already see things being manifested. Or perhaps hear things being manifested is a better way to describe it! And oh, I feel them too.!

There are so many times when I'm completely taken aback by my God and His power and love. There is none like it. No one nor nothing will ever compare. I know He is faithful and will remain so. I know that all the work He is doing and will do will be fulfilled. I see it in the hearts of so many around me as well as in my own. Oh how my Lord desires to make Himself known!

As for tonight, it is the eve of my seventh spiritual birthday. Tomorrow I will be seven years old in the Lord. That age comes with so much significance, I know, but I haven't been able to pinpoint it down yet. What I do know is that the time periods of seven days, seven weeks, and seven years appears more than any other quantitative time period in the Bible. The stories, references, and commands including such are countless. And you know, I rejoice in the fact that I don't completely know what the exact significance is of the seventh year just yet. That's good, because it leaves me in anticipation for what my God is going to do! I know His time is not for any of us to know, but I know this seventh year will be significant...much so.

It's been seven years of walking with Him in a life restored in unimaginable ways. It has been seven years of being able to praise my Creator and Savior...and I have eternity left to sing His praise!

It seems it’s the end of a time for a new to come

A slumber in the night to awake in the morn

Only to find that all has been restored

In what would be seven years, no less, no more

Seven years of redemption in the Lord

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