Friday, July 21, 2006

Did you know...

that in the Jewish language/culture there is no word for spiritual, because everything is viewed as spiritual?

I think that's pretty sweet...


JG said...

for sure did you know that in hebrew selah means musical interlude if I could choose one hebrew word to describe things I think that is what I am experiencing, a musical interlude!!!OMG I don't have time to blog for a while but "oh boy" What God taught me tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Colin said...

yeah musical interlude, John. I was pondering that term Selah as of late and now I am happy to know what it means!

I am glad you shared that elise. very interesting...indeed.

oh...<3! I learn new things every day

Colin said...

I <3 saying 'heart' lol. ok I am done now....seriously.