Saturday, April 29, 2006


The Time has Come
Do you see the movement of sinners turning to repent?
Open your eyes for you’ve been gone too long
Away from this world that’s holding you down
Lift up your hands and come back to the only love You’ve known

Do you see the consuming fire ablaze in this place?
Open your heart and allow it to burn inside
Give an offering to the one who paid the greatest price
Lift up the name of the one who deserves your praise

For the time has come in which we no longer wait
There’s a movement of revival in this place
It requires your all, are you willing to give
Finally die so you may find that you can truly live?

Let your love flow uninhibited
Surrender all to the feet
Of the One whom we meet
In mercy at his throne
Receive his power without restraint
Go out to the nations to declare His name
For your time has come
Yes, the time has come
There’s a revival in this place

You see the spirit of the One
As the spirit flows through this place
A beauty untainted, pure
The movement of a sweet sweet song
As we surrender all
They come to His name

Quiet Strength
She moves uninhibited
An air of confidence and grace
Radiant with beauty
Her smiles fill the place
A gentle heart increasingly pure
Eyes lifted to the Lord
Every word off her tongue intentional
Filled with praise forevermore
All those around captured by her presence
For quiet strength is her song

In the Refiner’s fire
Consumed by only One
Clay in the Potter’s hands
Form begins to take shape
The layers of a petal pulled away
Revealing the blossom within
To fear the Lord
Is where one must begin
In the grip of grace
Singing praises all the day long
I evermore look to His face
For quiet strength will be my song.

1 comment:

JG said...

Wow, that is beautiful.