After a crucial night and place God brought me to, I was able to spend some time out in His creation today to allow Him to speak to me and bring me to where I need to be. There were many different things God showed me and I can't even begin to describe how refreshed I am. Today I needed to choose the path on which I wanted to walk on. I could choose to make myself a slave and continue to hold myself and God back by not forgiving myself and taking my hands off the reins, or I could choose to walk in the path of freedom in which He has always laid out before me. I think so often I start on that path of freedom, but then I try to diminish the power that comes with walking on that path, saying that it'll take time to eventually get on that path of freedom, and as soon as I take that attitude, I begin the retreat back into slavery. I either walk on the path, or I don't! No longer can I attempt to tread the fine line of both, trying to receive the benefits of each. God's purpose for me is not to walk on a trapeeze line of sorts, but to set my feet firmly upon the rock and embrace the freedom that has always been there!
Down in the canyon today, there were all of these dead leaves, still han

So today I did something to make this release more concrete for me. I literally stripped off the leaves of the branches and let them go, into the light of my Father. Let the leaves that I was once holding onto so tight be released as I opened up my hand and let the breeze take them away.
And then, let my empty hands be lifted up to my Father so He can fill them up. Let me lift my hands in worship and praise, no longer holding onto something that is so dead and barren. Let the fruit come forth.
No longer will I entangle myself in a mess of things, when the path of freedom is laid out before me.
Instead, I will climb up onto the rock that is higher than I and let that be my dwelling place.
I will live a l
ife of expectation, knowing that God wishes to give me mu
ch more than I could ever imagine. I will keep my eyes open in watchful expectation, and I will receive those blessings. Our God is too great not to expect amazing things from Him! I will take those promises and use them to the full.
And yes, the path is narrow but the light of Christ will always lead me on.
My faith will no longer be that of a fragile one, such as the ice that cracks as the result of any burden placed on it.
Let the rushing of the Holy Spirit come forth.
God has given us all free will because He doesn't want us to be forced to love Him and worship Him. Instead, we as Christians, should exercise our free will by saying that His is better than our own. So today, I say and do this and I'm not turning back. I've been walking on the path of slavery far too long. I know this road isn't an easy one, but I think I made the path of slavery so much harder for myself. I kept myself in bondage. Let the God of the Universe who created me before I was known delight in me, His creation who is running into His arms.
Psalm 119:169-176
May my cry come before you, O LORD ; give me understanding according to your word. May my supplication come before you; deliver me according to your promise. May my lips overflow with praise, for you teach me your decrees. May my tongue sing of your word, for all your commands are righteous. May your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts. I long for your salvation, O LORD , and your law is my delight. Let me live that I may praise you, and may your laws sustain me. I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.
1 comment:
Wow!!! I don't know exactley what God has planned for this quarter but if the christians on campus surrender and begin to walk wholly holy lives, something different and amazing is going to happen. I eagerly wait for what is to come and rest contently in the fact I was only a vessel it was not of me. May you continue to walk in the light of God's freedom and His face will truly shine upon you.
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