Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Children Come

I had an absolutely incredible interaction with God tonight...there's much I want to say but I must refrain a bit for there are some things that must be left between Him and me, at least for the time being. But as for what I can say...

I can't fully stress enough what honesty will do, and I don't just mean honesty in the areas you want to be open in. I'm talking about honesty in every single area, even those you don't want to be open about. I am not saying that we should be hasty and rush out and tell everyone all of our secrets, that's not what I mean at all. We should be guarded and careful about what we do say, but when God calls you to open a door previously locked and expose what is within, we must obey. And this kind of obedience is not burdensome at all--none of God's commands are burdensome--but in particular, this, because when we are honest about the things we don't wish to be, it is freeing beyond belief and no longer gives Satan any opportunity to get a foothold there. The reason I talk about this and stress this is because of the experience I've recently had with my parents. To make a long story short, I wrote a letter to my parents and basically told them everything about me, the things I've been through, how I came to Christ, and most importantly and most difficultly, my struggles and defeats, especially in the past, and how God triumphed and conquered my sin. Never has exposing something been that difficult, but also never has God moved so much in that. Be open and obedient to what God wishes.

As for tonight...I kick myself in a sense because I know that when I am still and silent in the presence of God it is when He speaks to me the most and the most clearly. Yet I rarely shut up enough to listen. Luckily we have a God that overcomes my human stupidity, thank goodness. So tonight I was finally quiet enough to hear and hear I did...hear I did. The running dialogue between our Father and His children is so beautiful and untainted, and to hear Him speaking and directly responding to you in a conversational manner...amazing. And this I must remain reserved about until/if He tells me not to, but basically God professes His love for us constantly, and I mean constantly...we just don't listen to hear it. And what we pray for and by faith ask in His name, He will answer, in fact, He longs to. We must breathe and allow Him to be our source for we are nothing apart from Him and nothing will come as a result of holding our breath.

And the time is coming, in beauty, sweetness, and purity, when His children come...

Children Come
You're moving too fast
sit a while, slow your mind
be still and there I promise you will find
the clarity that results in time
You're holding your breath
breathe, take it in
let me fill you from within
your source on which you depend
You're listening poorly
tune your ear and hear
I say You are my child, have no fear
always will I be here
You're seeing vaguely
Open your eyes and see
those who stand on their feet
the time is approaching when they will worship me
The Children are coming...

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