Sunday, February 26, 2006

Wonder Begins

Sitting on the grains looking into the mystery
Of that which is present but difficult to see
And the wonder begins…
Reaching out to touch the fog with a slender hand
Wondering what brings the mist that sweeps across the face
And the wonder begins…

Running barefoot with bundles of energy
Bounding carefree across the endless sand
And the wonder begins…
Endless means to discover what’s unknown
New worlds to explore and to call one’s own
And the wonder begins…

The hand upon the shoulder that guides one so innocent
Allows one so naïve to throw caution to the wind
And the wonder begins…
Looking into the eyes filled with the kind of love impossible to understand
Knowing there we rest securely in One’s hands
And the wonder begins…

Friday, February 24, 2006


A breaking of the mind, body and spirit all in one week...kind of exhausting...and I need to be careful about defining this process to be over simply because it's Friday, because it could very well continue. I think this past week was the hardest week I've had at Cal Poly since I've been here for so many different reasons. And yet I'm still standing, barely, not by my will and strength, but rather His. It's been an incredibly convicting week for me, and through this I keep my eyes on the words of Paul in Philippians, "that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion in the day of Christ Jesus" (ch 1 vs 6).

In my Architecture studio today the question was asked of us, "why are you here?" I need to wrap my mind around that fact so much more. Why am I here at Cal Poly when I could be so much closer to home? I know the answer to that is a stretching of myself and Him placing me here among all the people around me because He wants to use me for something great and be a part of something unbelievable. Why am I studying Architecture this year when I will eventually be switching majors? So far this year has been unbelievable in what I have done, but more importantly, what I have learned, and they are things that will help me in education and life forever. And for one who's used to getting good grades with little effort, failing when I try so hard is another learning experience. I don't really understand how I am going to get through the next five years school wise, especially with grades, but I'm brought back to the fact that learning is so crucial and so necessary, and as long as I am learning and doing my best, then that's all I can really ask of myself.

But most importantly, as long as the one who began a good work in me continues to complete it and I embark on that journey every day, led by His paths and plans for me, then I am where I need to be, regardless of any circumstances that may transpire...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dwelling in a Strength that's not my own

“There’s far more to this life than trusting in Christ. There’s also suffering for him. And the suffering is as much a gift as the trusting.”
Philippians Ch 1, The Message.

In the midst of the past 3 weeks or so, I've felt pretty lousy physically...a lot of different things have been going on, but I find it amazing that I can still be doing so good as a result, the result of God in my life and working in all of my circumstances. And in how I feel, I am constantly blown away by how He continues to strengthen me, because trust me, it's His strength, not my own. I'm still doing well with just about everything, which is such a paradox. However, I've come to learn that the Christian faith consists of so many paradoxes and this is just another.

I’m thinking about why I must feel so icky and exhausted and I think a part of it is God continues to do this so I will not rely on my own strength but rather His. It’s so weird because I think I do this and to a point I do, but how much more I need to, especially with what is to come? How much pride and stock do I take in myself that I still rely on myself somewhat? But how amazing is it to see Him carry me through…And still with this, if I can rejoice in my sufferings and praise Him all the while, that will be worth it, worth the cause. Whatever I go through, let it bring glory to His name. Though on the outside I don’t like feeling like this, on the inside I know it’s exactly where I need to be and I trust Him in it. And there is so much more to this life than trusting Him. While that is all well and good, there’s so much more depth than that. And I think it’s in the sufferings that He brings us through that allow us to experience and know Him on such a deeper level. Yes, one can trust a person for what they say on face value and have that surface level relationship, which is a bond, don’t get me wrong, but when you suffer with one another, it is there you realize and see the love, self-sacrifice, barriers down, everything. The mask comes off. And still I think mine is coming off. Let people see I don’t have it all together. I don’t. But even more, let them see that I praise Him as a result, and always will.

And though I may not see directly who this may be affecting, it is my prayer that God will use this for His glory, somehow, in some way. Though I may not see clearly at the present, I eagerly anticipate when it will all become clear, because I know, I know that all of what I'm going through will seem so small in comparison to what He does, and beautiful it will always is.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Words of the world
painful, excruciating
drones on and on as the ache increases
only brings one farther away
from what is good, true

For in the silence beauty is spoken
sweetly, tenderly
the language of love blossoms in purity
only brings one farther away
from what is tainted, false

Revel in the solitude of sorts
in the quiet that brings peace of mind
for the silence brings sanctification
know that now is the time
for the renewal that's one of a kind

Close to your breaking point but trusting and praising God ever still brings a battle Satan wages in...and though I am spent, still I press on allowing Him to do as He wishes...I feel as if I am mucking through the mud, sluggish and barely able to see through the fog at some points, but like a boat in the harbor in the storm, I see the lighthouse on shore and that keeps me pushing on...prayers are much needed and appreciated as the storm persists in this uncertain time.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Destination Set, Journey Unsure

Have you ever driven at night and you know where you're supposed to end up, but because it's night, you really don't know where you are at the present time? However, you know you're on the right road to get you to where you ultimately need to be, so you trust in that though the journey is unsure. And one thing that gives you security is looking up at the stars, and how they are always there and unchanging despite your location, no amount of clouds can disprove their existence nor light of day.

Such is my situation at the present. I know my destination and that I am on the path I need to be on, but my journey is a bit unsure. I'm in the dark a bit as to where I am at the present is going to get me closer to where I need to be...but still I know I am on the right road and I will trust in that. And still I will trust in my God who is like the stars above...ever present, unchanging, and no matter what my circumstances, they will never hide the fact He exists. In fact, they only prove that more. This is why in the situation I am in now I will not stop or run away from because in these trials I only see clearer and know God better as a result. My prayer is that He will bring whatever He wishes, because though my journey is unsure, my destination is set.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


How often do we truly branch out of our comfort zone, not just in our surroundings, but within ourselves? I found myself pondering that question the past couple of days as I came down to San Diego with my roommate for the long weekend. Not a big deal, it may seem, as I always want to experience new places and am open and adventurous, but there's always that slight tinge that makes me wonder what am I doing when I do so. A new place is unfamiliar and so it causes me to be hesistant at first...a strange reaction for one who dreams of such adventures. And as I got the chance to spend the entire day with an atheist, that proved to be an adventure as well. For how can two people so opposite come together in the other's company and find a common ground of sorts? Only by the grace of let His love speak louder than any words I could possibly say, and that is what moves people. I praise Him for this friendship that is beginning that is such an answer to prayer.

And as for adventure? Yesterday as I found myself in this hesistant state, God asked me, "where's your sense of adventure?" and to that I replied, "It's always here as long as I know I am in Your arms, Dear Lord." He stated, "My Child, You always are...embark with me." And so I embark, not just today, but starting today for the rest of my life. Let me always embark on the adventure He has for me, for I can rest securely in the knowledge that I am always in His arms...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Children Come

I had an absolutely incredible interaction with God tonight...there's much I want to say but I must refrain a bit for there are some things that must be left between Him and me, at least for the time being. But as for what I can say...

I can't fully stress enough what honesty will do, and I don't just mean honesty in the areas you want to be open in. I'm talking about honesty in every single area, even those you don't want to be open about. I am not saying that we should be hasty and rush out and tell everyone all of our secrets, that's not what I mean at all. We should be guarded and careful about what we do say, but when God calls you to open a door previously locked and expose what is within, we must obey. And this kind of obedience is not burdensome at all--none of God's commands are burdensome--but in particular, this, because when we are honest about the things we don't wish to be, it is freeing beyond belief and no longer gives Satan any opportunity to get a foothold there. The reason I talk about this and stress this is because of the experience I've recently had with my parents. To make a long story short, I wrote a letter to my parents and basically told them everything about me, the things I've been through, how I came to Christ, and most importantly and most difficultly, my struggles and defeats, especially in the past, and how God triumphed and conquered my sin. Never has exposing something been that difficult, but also never has God moved so much in that. Be open and obedient to what God wishes.

As for tonight...I kick myself in a sense because I know that when I am still and silent in the presence of God it is when He speaks to me the most and the most clearly. Yet I rarely shut up enough to listen. Luckily we have a God that overcomes my human stupidity, thank goodness. So tonight I was finally quiet enough to hear and hear I did...hear I did. The running dialogue between our Father and His children is so beautiful and untainted, and to hear Him speaking and directly responding to you in a conversational manner...amazing. And this I must remain reserved about until/if He tells me not to, but basically God professes His love for us constantly, and I mean constantly...we just don't listen to hear it. And what we pray for and by faith ask in His name, He will answer, in fact, He longs to. We must breathe and allow Him to be our source for we are nothing apart from Him and nothing will come as a result of holding our breath.

And the time is coming, in beauty, sweetness, and purity, when His children come...

Children Come
You're moving too fast
sit a while, slow your mind
be still and there I promise you will find
the clarity that results in time
You're holding your breath
breathe, take it in
let me fill you from within
your source on which you depend
You're listening poorly
tune your ear and hear
I say You are my child, have no fear
always will I be here
You're seeing vaguely
Open your eyes and see
those who stand on their feet
the time is approaching when they will worship me
The Children are coming...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How it Ought to Be

How it Ought to Be

Full hands lead to contented hearts
Amazing what a box of chocolates can do
Possessing some power to view the world through rose-colored glasses
Supposedly professing one’s love so true
But is this how it ought to be?

Cupid’s arrow flying through the air
Piercing those with open hands and leaving them lovestruck
For one touch claims to change the world that previously existed
Leaving one in infatuation
But is this how it ought to be?

For empty hands lead to broken hearts
Stunning what a lack of admiration can bring
Leaving those left in the dust to wallow in their tears
Wondering if they will ever be chosen
This isn’t how it ought to be.

For empty hands lead to broken hearts
In desolation, despair, suffering
And it is there we fall at the feet
Of the One who went through what happens now
Leaving our hearts in the presence of the One who knows how to keep

For full hands lead to contented hearts
Beauty revealed, hope reinstated, the rose-colored glasses needed no more
Satisfied desires because of the One who so freely gives
Crown of glory restore, empty love needed no more
This is how it ought to be.

Ah Valentines Day. First of all, let me state that I don’t have any problem with the idea of Valentine’s day. I think it’s a fine idea with a good motive behind it. However, I do have a problem with what it has become. It’s almost kind of amusing to me in a way now. All of the commercialization is ridiculous, with every kind of product offered and carpet companies making advertisements with a tie to Valentine’s day. There are sales for Valentines Day, pizzas made in the shape of hearts, flowers, flowers, flowers, and more that I can’t possibly remember at this time because it’s simply EVERYWHERE!

I think a lot of the problem I have with it is the focus of Valentine’s Day and how it has become so skewed. Valentine’s Day is based on love; that’s really the only point of the day. Yet the kind of love that is celebrated on Valentine’s day makes me disgusted and frankly, kind of sad. How materialistic has society become? How blind are we to what love, in the way it was created, really is? It’s not about how many cards you get or how big your box of chocolates is or how blooming the roses are or how many carats are in that diamond necklace you receive. And still, love is not about what gifts you receive, especially not in the materialistic way.

I walk down my hall today and you see the ones who have a boyfriend or special someone, for they are beaming and dressed up waiting to go on the surprise adventure and be showered with gifts. On the contrary, you see the ones who don’t have a boyfriend or special someone, for they are dressed in sweats, eyes riddled with disappointment, shoulders and head hung low. They are not in expectation of anything, and they remind themselves of that fact simply by their state of being.

I have a severe problem with this. I hate the fact that girls base their entire sense of self worth on the fact of whether or not they have a boyfriend, and even more, I hate how that penetrates their hearts. All this world has to give is temporary and will never satisfy them and still they long for that, because it’s all they know of that will relieve the longing they feel to be loved. Girls’ hearts are so fragile and though we are created to be sensitive and will be, we as girls put ourselves out there and allow ourselves to be broken. The fault doesn’t come with what we don’t receive but rather our expectations are too high of this world, and they will never be met. This world will never give what the heart truly desires and we can’t search for it here. And as a result, days like Valentine’s Day only magnify this problem ever more.

I remember what it is like to be broken as a result of constantly seeking in this world what my heart truly desires. I remember that feeling and I remember how hollow it left me. I remember these because it was not too long ago for me…roughly five and a half years ago. But though these memories linger and remain vivid, I know they remain vivid because in their vividness, how much more I appreciate and realize the grace and love of the one I now hold so dear in my heart, my Precious Lord, my Heavenly Father. The brokenness that once riddled me, my heart, and my life no longer remains, for a beauty far greater than I could ever explain has been birthed in its place. And that is a love worth singing about…

Still this mission before me remains to allow myself to be a vessel to restore the hearts of the girls before me. Yes, some progress has been made, but it’s not an easy task, for hearts have been so broken and mishandled. It’s so bad to the point that I know some girls question whether anything good could ever come out of it, because it’s been that way for so long. They’ve never seen any different so why should they think any different? The hope is gone. Yet, by the grace of God, I know this doesn’t have to be and won’t be reality…for outside of my understanding He works and uses me in ways I don’t see. I do not boast about myself but I rather boast at what Christ has done in me. I know who He is and what He’s done in my life and I know the words I say, the attitude I have, and the way I act, people take notice of. And the reason why it is so different is because my hope is not here, not in the things of this world, but rather my Heavenly Father and He NEVER disappoints. It is this that allows me to smile and still find the joy in every day, even when things may not be going as desired, because I know the Lord and I know how good He is. I desire this so much for the girls around me, because He is so healing…incredibly healing. He really is the only one that can heal completely, and oh, when He does, how much beauty is revealed and bursts forth!

And lastly, on what love should really be…yes, I know it’s become somewhat cliché, but it still remains ever true; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. But expanding on that, I’ve come to believe that love is being willing to die to oneself in order for the good of the other. Love is not based on the emotions that we feel, for those prove to be fickle and unreliable, though not always bad. It is not that we can’t feel love, for I believe we do and it’s a gift from God that we can experience, but love is so much deeper than that. Love is serving one another, the offering of self-sacrifice. Imagine what this world would look like if people loved in this way…

Monday, February 13, 2006

Beggar's Grace

There's a beggar by the side of the road
asking for any change I can spare
and perhaps a ticket home to the life he once knew
but do I care? or do I dare?
To open up my hands and let him come in?

Told to push away my selfish desires
for the benefit of the common man
after all, who am I
to withhold the grace apportioned to me, to do what I can
to open up my arms and let him come in?

I forgot the roots I once bore
when i was beyond nothing and no one seemed to care
yet by the mercy of God I was plucked out of the miry pit
into the presence of my Daddy, the one so fair
I ran in to His open arms and let him come in

So the beggar I was, the beggar I let in
Sharing the grace given so freely
For who am I to forget what has been done for me?
It is this that beckons me to be welcoming
After all, the beggar was once me

Longing to Serve

Such a longing to serve, one which is difficult to put into words. Such a burden on my heart for those lost or in the temporary darkness, one that wants to give everything. Such a renewal and restoring by my Lord that needs to be poured out. Such are the many in need but don't want or realize the healing power of Christ. Such is the love I have inside that aches for others that makes me want to serve ever more. And the bitter taste in my mouth of a kind of stagnation--I can't bear. I am called to love. I am called to serve. And I will be there for my brothers and sisters in Christ and all those who don't know or follow Him. Because this love that I bear is much too strong and powerful for me to bottle up. It is my prayer that these opportunities will abound, because at the moment, I see few and I need more. I pray that those in need will come or allow me to serve them, because that is my heart's cry, and I know the goodness and mercy of the Lord will always be present.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


In Which I Boast

Olympics…all of these different countries and athletes come together and unite for a common purpose. It does not matter where they are from but instead there is a respect among all, for all have toiled and sacrificed much in order to gain this great goal: the privilege of competing in an Olympic Games. While there is pride in each’s home country it is not the arrogant type of pride (at least not in the norm), that states “my country is always better than yours,” but rather the kind of pride that is “I believe in my country that helped me to get here and I know I can bring glory back to it in return.” One often finds that the best athletes are the most humble ones.

How often do we take pride in ourselves in an arrogant way? The only thing we can ever boast in is that of Christ Jesus! Galatians 6:14 states “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.” And I also wonder how often we truly humble ourselves and look at other people and cultures and see not the differences but the thing that brings us together. We let petty differences separate us far too often and this is one of Satan’s strategies. We must not fall prey to it, for we “are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26-28).

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Praise Him in the Storm

Casting Crowns: Praise You in this Storm

I’ll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I’ve cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can’t find You

As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain“I’m with you”
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away

It’s interesting how when we conquer one spiritual battle and one area in which Satan gets his foothold in, that he takes us to another level more difficult to battle. And still it is a process, in which we conquer and go to the higher battles. We’re always fighting for a cause, and the cause in my life is Christ. Lately after finishing a good book, Waking the Dead, God’s shown me how critical having my heart strong and completely with Him is, because His glory is revealed when we are fully alive. So after realizing and conquering that battle, Satan’s brought another one, which is casting me down with feeling pretty crappy so I don’t want to do anything, the most of all these, praise God in the midst of this storm. The last two days have been such a paradox in so many ways, because I feel so lousy yet I am doing so good. My heart is in the right place and I can’t help but praise God for all He’s done. I come to Him with all that I am and all that I have, and at this moment, it’s basically nothing, but still I come and He rewards that. I can’t tell you how sweet it is. I am not sufficient on my own to fight these battles; it is only by His power and strength that I can, and so when I am stripped away to nothing, I must fully rely on His strength and that is when I see His glory revealed in such a significant way. It is no longer I but Him who does these things through me. He overcomes in huge ways, and He will always overcome. It’s come to the point that I don’t really care if I feel crappy the rest of my days, because so much more in these times I realize and know who God is and rely on Him alone. That is what I long to live for and that is who I long to be, a woman after His own heart. So let Satan bring on the battles, them ever increasing in their difficulty. It is through these battles that my God will be glorified ever more. I know that I can’t fight these on my own, but I always have the Lord on my side and that is more than sufficient for me. I am here and I submit to Him alone. And still I will sing at the top of my lungs, still I will dwell in His goodness, still I will spread His love, and still, I will praise Him in this storm.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Praise God

Praise Him in the midst of joy. Praise Him in the midst of shame. Praise Him in the midst of healing. Praise Him in the midst of pain. Praise Him in the midst of sunshine. Praise Him in the midst of rain. Praise Him in the midst of smiles. Praise Him in the midst of tears. Praise Him in the midst of battles. Praise Him in the midst of conquered fights. Praise Him in the midst of sickness. Praise Him in the midst of suffering. Praise Him in the midst of lack of clarity. Praise Him in the midst of revelation. Praise Him because of His grace. Praise Him because of His love. Praise Him because He is faithful. Praise Him because He is merciful. Praise Him because He is jealous. Praise Him because He is hallowed. Praise Him because He is above all. Praise Him because we have the privilege of doing so.

"I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High" Psalm 9:1-2.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Ah...He continues to inspire me and I can't help but let praise flow forth and allow myself to be a vessel for His words...

Inspirational dreamer
There’s something inside
Let it take root
And allow it to fly
Little girl
Seeking more
Let His love
Upon you pour
Innocent one
Shelter your eyes
Childlike faith
Always hold inside
Beautifully blissful
Nothing holds you down
His arms lift you higher
From the hallowed ground
See that tear
That rolls from your eye
Caught by His hand
Homesick you cry
Radiant joy
Beams from your smile
Light in this world
Make it worth your while
Treasured one
He’s called you by name
Ransomed your heart
Never the same
Redeemed one
Look inside
See His wings
That enable you to fly

Feather of crow, the raven of the night
Haunts its prey as it takes flight
Rule over the darkness and lure more in
Feather of crow, lands upon the ground
There it will remain
Feather of dove, the bird of the light
rules those willing as it takes flight
Restore and expose those who wallow still
Feather of dove, sweeps across my face
Ever still, Your presence will remain
Feather of the light

Monday, February 06, 2006

Above All, Trust in the Slow Work of God

This is a poem I received in my Bible study last week...I love it.

Above All, Trust in the Slow Work of God
Above all, trust in the slow work of God.
We are quite naturally impatient in everything
to reach the end without delay
We should like to skip the intermediate stages
We are impatient of being on the way
to something unknown
something new.
Yet it is the law of all progress that is made
by passing through some stages of instability
and that may take a very long time.

And so I think it is with you.
Your ideas mature gradually. Let them grow.
Let them shape themselevs without undue haste.
Do not try to force them on
as though you could be today what time
--that is to say, grace--
and circumstances
acting on your own good will
will make you tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new Spirit
gradually forming in You will be.

Give our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.
Above all, trust in the slow work of God,
our loving vine dresser.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Fickle is the illusion appearing before me
That who I am will never receive
The anointing of the grace given for free
Out of his presence I must flee

So who am I to come to Your feet?
Who am I to offer all of me?
This beauty You have restored is ever so baffling
And still You pour…

What would it be like if those You love loved You fully in return?
What would we see if for only You our hearts burn?
I imagine it would be light shining so bright it penetrates everything
Exposing the darkness of the night in which we remain
What would we do if we truly saw Your face, with our eyes unveiled
Is this what we long to see, who we long to be?

All consuming fire blaze uninhibited
Move like lyrical healing to the soul
These hearts that are the treasure of Your Kingdom
Still fight to restore

Friday, February 03, 2006

Stubborn Steel

Basically I don't know why God speaks to me through so many metaphorical ways. I know that's how my mind works and how He has created me, so I'll go with it. Calculus, a walk to steel.

I've been so convicted as I work on this architecture project of mine. It's a group project and basically we're making this ridiculously crazy amazing metal spike that will suspend into the air and also rest on the ground as a bench. It's hard to explain; it's pretty abstract.

We take this raw material, steel, and attempt to make it into something beautiful. Yet for that to happen, it must relinquish its strength to its maker and allow him/her to form it into what it needs to be. Some are more stubborn than others and don't quite go the way we wish. We take so many pieces and intertwine them in order to build something that is solid and firm, all these pieces come together as one, meet at one point higher and farther than we can reach from the ledge we will eventually stretch over.

I find myself frustrated with myself tonight for I find I resemble this structure in so many ways. I bend so easily in lots of ways and allow God to shape me and make me beautiful in that way, yet there are a few stubborn areas and pieces that unconsciously I fight Him on. And when you try to put all these pieces together in a sculpture and place the exterior on in order that it may be finished, it proves to be much more difficult than anticipated. It's usually just those few pieces that didn't go quite the way they were supposed to. Why am I so persistent on having my way and my plans and ideas in certain things? I don't relinquish control in the way I should in certain areas. These pieces that are to come together and meet at a point higher and farther than myself proves to be a struggle because of these few pieces. And still the pieces can't come all together, though I know they won't until I see Him face to face, but still it must continue to take shape and give the clear impression that it is pointing to something higher than myself, my Father.

So You are my Creator, my Maker, Dear Lord. Take these stubborn steel, pieces and ideas of mine and bend them, shape them, in order that they may fit into this sculpture and creation You have made of me. I desire to be complete. I know it will be a difficult process but all the more neccessary. I'm tired of not giving, here I am, here I bend underneath the care of Your hands. Do as You wish, refine Your work in me. May all these pieces come together and be complete.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


The bright late afternoon sun shines ever so brightly into the eyes as the descent down the hill begins. It is a walk that one picks up momentum due to the steep incline. People pass by and there's pandemonium all around as the frantic rush begins to get to class on time, caught up in the details of everyday life. They fight the hill as they strain and push to reach the top; yet with many things to weigh them down, it does not prove to be an easy task. I look around myself and wonder why I seem to be the only one going downhill while everyone else seems to go up, and still I wonder why I can't see people clearly at all, for the sun blinds me so severely. The details on their faces are softened from far away, yet as they near, the harshness becomes more rigid. Lines of life are engraven upon their face and it becomes ever so severe and harsh, you can see the struggles, fears, disappointments that have riddled their story. Why are their backs turned on such magnificent light that illuminates all it faces? Still I press on down the hill, picking up ever more momentum as the light blazes.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your dawn" (Isaiah 60:1-3).
"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion - to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor (Isaiah 61:1-3).