Thursday, November 17, 2005

What Can I Say?

There is no way I will fully be able to convey all that God is doing here, in my heart, in the lives of people around me, in this dorm, on this campus, in this world, but I will love my God to the end of the age and with everything I am and everything I have and every day of my life will be an attempt to fully give Him the praise He deserves. Though words may fail to accurately portray it, I must, I must tell of how GOOD our Lord, our Father, our Savior is!!

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.”-John 4:23

How amazing is it to see the living, breathing word of God revealed in our daily lives and see it come together for such beautiful things? Our prayer group here in this dorm started last week and God is doing huge things through it. We started off with 5 people and then tonight it multiplied into like 12 people. Completely God. We came together to obey the Holy Spirit moving in each one of us and to fully give Him the glory and lift up this campus and each other in prayer, and oh how sweet it was, how beautiful it was!!! It is my prayer we will become the kind of worshippers the Father seeks, true worshippers in spirit and in truth. And it's coming, oh boy, is it coming!

Psalm 24 speaks of the generation who seeks God's face and the gates being lifted up so the King of Glory can be revealed. Tonight at campus crusade, this resonated in my heart as God spoke to me throughout. I was praying for Him to awake this generation, awake the people before me, stir up the hunger and passion and break down the walls that are making them so blind to who Christ is and how He can be revealed in them! And as the night went on, the focus sharpened, and it culminated with dancing in the aisles, singing of how good God is. I knew God was calling us together in prayer tonight and it was absolutely incredible to see how He moved through that.

I can't even begin to fully tell you how God is so much bigger and so much more vast than anything we can ever comprehend. Everything He has shown me and told me He would do-He has. I am seeing Him and His will being revealed in my life in ways I never thought possible. I am seeing what happens as a result of embracing His power and how He will use those who seek Him and embrace His power in ways so far beyond anything we thought possible.

God is pursuing His people like never before. He has called them all by name and He wants them back. Never will he stop pursuing them, stop fighting for them. And oh, how I pray for Kalen, Jessica, Jessica, Mina, Koral, Kai, Kelly, and so many more, that God will continue to pursue them with that passion. I can't wait until their eyes are opened to how much God loves them and how it's completely consuming and captivating and out of this world.

How can I fully love my Lord, my Father, my everything? Words completely fail to grasp much love is bursting at the seams of my heart and how good He is. Those people He's put on my heart, though I am burdened with them, I have a peace like I can't even describe because His purpose will be fulfilled here. I believe. And I know, because we have a God who's ever faithful and passionate and pursuing and so vast. So incredible. So amazing....

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