Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Consuming Fire

Over the past week I experienced God's faithfulness and beauty in so many ways I have never fully experienced before. The Lord spoke to me in many different ways, in particular with two sets of lyrics.

The first came when I was worshipping and being still before God underneath the blanket of stars, and was praying for the Cal Poly campus and seeking His voice in it. And this picture kept coming to me, of someone on their knees, arms stretched out in beauty, face looking upward, completely consumed. And in that, God told me that they will revere Him in this place. Though I don't know how or when, I know this will be true.

Revere You in this Place
Glory like they've never seen
The glory all to our God and King
Makes them stand in sheer awe and fall to their knees
They will revere You in this place
Passion like they've never known that sweeps them
off their feet and into Your arms
The passion that fully ablazes and consumes
They will revere You in this place

And we rise and we stand to sing Your praise
and we kneel and we fall to say worthy is Your name
and we cry and we pray that You wake up this place
So they will revere You in this place
So they will revere You in this place

Redemption rains down all around fully abound
Redemption wipes off the scorns on their faces
Redemption shakes their world in a way they never knew before
They will revere You in this place
They will revere You in this place, O Lord

The next came more as a result of being completely taken aback and swept off my feet by the beauty of our Lord as He pursues my family with a passion like I've never seen before, and it was all I could do to hold back the tears and let them flow freely later.

Unwavering faithfulness
drips with beauty that allows
those who were once blind to now see
your unchanging faithfulness
radiates with majesty that sweeps Your people off their feet

Let the sweet sweet anthems of old
come rising up and burst forth
praise be to You in this place
praise be to You in this place, O Lord.

Consuming love songs
capture our hearts and change our ways
no longer will we live by ours but now
rather Your ways all of our days
Your unswerving glory captivates us like never before

And the last thing I want to leave you with is this:
We shouldn't ask the how or when of what He's doing until we understand the who and why. We must understand first who He is: We need to know what kind of God and Father we believe in before we can testify of Him to others. We also need to know why we are testifying Him to others: is it because it’s simply a command, or is it because our heart is bursting with so much unspeakable joy that we’ve never known before that we must tell of who He is and what He's done? After those two are answered, then we know that the how and when aren’t so relevant anymore, because we know who He is and why we do the things we do, and we know that He will move through us. We then know that the how happens simply by His mercy, power, and grace, and the when is by His more than perfect timing.

May He consume you as He's consuming me...

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Bring this Revival

Bring this revival you’ve been speaking about
Change the hearts of stone that around us surround
Open the eyes of our understanding and allow us to finally see
Your glory revealed as Your people dance on the streets

Bring this revival you’ve been putting in my heart
Change my life and turn it upside down
Open my eyes, downpour Your grace and allow me to see
Your unspeakable beauty as You restore me

Bring this revival you’ve been moving in this world
Shake this world from its roots, cast down the crowns
Open their eyes and make them fall on their knees
Your love completely consuming as they receive

Move in spirit and move in power
We come to you and ask in Your name
The time is here, we worship you in spirit and truth
Let Your Glory reign in this place

What Can I Say?

There is no way I will fully be able to convey all that God is doing here, in my heart, in the lives of people around me, in this dorm, on this campus, in this world, but I will love my God to the end of the age and with everything I am and everything I have and every day of my life will be an attempt to fully give Him the praise He deserves. Though words may fail to accurately portray it, I must, I must tell of how GOOD our Lord, our Father, our Savior is!!

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.”-John 4:23

How amazing is it to see the living, breathing word of God revealed in our daily lives and see it come together for such beautiful things? Our prayer group here in this dorm started last week and God is doing huge things through it. We started off with 5 people and then tonight it multiplied into like 12 people. Completely God. We came together to obey the Holy Spirit moving in each one of us and to fully give Him the glory and lift up this campus and each other in prayer, and oh how sweet it was, how beautiful it was!!! It is my prayer we will become the kind of worshippers the Father seeks, true worshippers in spirit and in truth. And it's coming, oh boy, is it coming!

Psalm 24 speaks of the generation who seeks God's face and the gates being lifted up so the King of Glory can be revealed. Tonight at campus crusade, this resonated in my heart as God spoke to me throughout. I was praying for Him to awake this generation, awake the people before me, stir up the hunger and passion and break down the walls that are making them so blind to who Christ is and how He can be revealed in them! And as the night went on, the focus sharpened, and it culminated with dancing in the aisles, singing of how good God is. I knew God was calling us together in prayer tonight and it was absolutely incredible to see how He moved through that.

I can't even begin to fully tell you how God is so much bigger and so much more vast than anything we can ever comprehend. Everything He has shown me and told me He would do-He has. I am seeing Him and His will being revealed in my life in ways I never thought possible. I am seeing what happens as a result of embracing His power and how He will use those who seek Him and embrace His power in ways so far beyond anything we thought possible.

God is pursuing His people like never before. He has called them all by name and He wants them back. Never will he stop pursuing them, stop fighting for them. And oh, how I pray for Kalen, Jessica, Jessica, Mina, Koral, Kai, Kelly, and so many more, that God will continue to pursue them with that passion. I can't wait until their eyes are opened to how much God loves them and how it's completely consuming and captivating and out of this world.

How can I fully love my Lord, my Father, my everything? Words completely fail to grasp it...so much love is bursting at the seams of my heart and how good He is. Those people He's put on my heart, though I am burdened with them, I have a peace like I can't even describe because His purpose will be fulfilled here. I believe. And I know, because we have a God who's ever faithful and passionate and pursuing and so vast. So incredible. So amazing....

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


beyond my wildest dreams
past all great expectations
lord, that’s where you are and will be
and to that place you’ve taken
me to fall on my face and my knees
and it’s only there I can see

the cloud of peace, hope like rain
promises yet to be seen
a consuming fire blazing
as your people dance on the streets
it’s all around, Lord, you surround
your children with love unfailing
that’s what I can see

beyond any limits and gates
past all doubt and despair
lord that’s where you are and will be
and it’s there that I care
about giving you my everything
I am here, take me, for now I can see

you in everything
I can see, I can see
I can see you in everything
in everything

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Breathtaking Vividness

ransomed heart
offering reward
a life worth living
worth holding out for
buried treasure
unearthed from the deep
abundant wonders galore
yet all to keep
oceans wide
unending and vast
never ceasing
so amazing to attempt to grasp
mountain peaks
perspective change
intimidating yet powerful
the climb arranged
child laughter
effervescent joy
innocent heart
eyes searching for more
evening sunset
calm early night
majestic colors painted
a wondrous sight
ticking of a clock
beating of a heart
sound of the rain
Your breath upon my face...
so intimate is Your love
so vivid are You in this place

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Yet I Only Want More

I’m in a place I never thought I’d be
In a place so wonderful but not satisfying
For it is there I taste and see that You are good
You are above all things and Your grace is sufficient for me
And it leaves me longing for ever, oh, so much more
So much more than I can see, cause at your feet I see Your treasure store
And it leaves me with a craving like never before

You are more than enough
Yet I only want more
I’ve been captivated by Your touch
Now I know the abundant love you pour
You’re unveiling my eyes to Your beauty like never before
I won’t be satisfied, no never will I cease
To seek Your face all of my days until I come before You at Your feet
Because You are more than everything to me
Yet I only want more

Speak to my heart in the ways you did to the people of old
Raise me up like the ones who did amazing things for You, Lord
I know there’s so much more
I want to see Your glory radiating through the pain of this world
Through the broken hearts on the ground, those blind to Your love
Because I know there’s so much more
So much more than they can see, so much more than I could ever know
And so I will not be satisfied, no never will I be
Satisfied with where I am because there’s so much more You have for me

Responsibility yet Privilege

Wow...I don't really even know exactly where to begin. I can't even begin to fully describe all God has been doing here in SLO. My eyes are being opened more and more to everything Christ is and everything He involves. There's so much to say...

Let me say that being obedient to Christ shouldn't be out of a sense of "I have to do this," but rather a sense of "Lord, here I am, I obey You because it is an act of worship, I lay everything I have before you and will obey You because You are the Lord of all." God is GOOD. So good, so much better than we can ever taste or imagine or even grasp. God has called us to obey-that is our responsibility. Yet, we have the privilege of obeying, because out of that obedience, God anoints us with blessings far beyond anything we could ever dream.

God has really laid it on my heart the responsibility that the Christians here in my dorm have. We are called to unite, to pray, to fight, to minister, to love, to speak the words of truth, to be real and vulnerable with one another, and to obey Him in what he is calling us to do. We have a huge responsibility that has come as a result of God's unbelievable faithfulness in bringing us here and together, yet, it is a huge privilege. How amazing is it that He thinks us worthy, thinks us useful, thinks us capable of advancing His kingdom! What a privilege it is to serve the God we love, to give everything back to the One who gave us everything, and to walk in His amazing grace and power every moment of everyday!

Some people have been down and discouraged lately. I've been one of them. But let us open our eyes to what God has put before us! God is more faithful than we will ever comprehend and He will take us exactly where we need to be if we will submit to Him. I've struggled with trying to take things into my own hands because I wasn't being satisfied or content with what God was doing. I think that it's good we're never satisfied, for that always keeps us craving more, but as for being content, we need to be content with Christ and His plans for us. Let us push aside what's bogging us down. It's only holding us back from what God wants to do. Lay it down at His feet. Let us not be bogged down with the responsibilities we have, but rather look at them as privileges.

Let's rise up-it's time to unite and fight! It's time to live up to the responsibility and privilege God has given us.